
I have been working on new posts ever since my most recent one was published, over a month ago, but there have been many issues getting in the way of completing and publishing any new material.

My work shifts have been falling far more on game days and it has become far more difficult to switch with colleagues to free myself up to get to matches.

Even when I have managed to get the day off for games it has become exceedingly difficult to get tickets, with even Brentford’s ticketing site having problems when I have recently tried to book tickets for upcoming away games.

I have the days off for the back to back away games in Nottingham and Manchester this week, but the website would not allow me to purchase tickets, even though I am above the required TAP’s level.

I was attempting to purchase them as soon as they became available, so there is a vanishingly small chance that they had sold out.

Another issue that has been slowing down my writing of a blog about the League Cup game that Brentford lost 1-0 to Arsenal this Wednesday just gone is my recorder has run into technical difficulties picking up my voice. It has worked perfectly for the last 2 seasons and worked fine for the games last month, but this month it has given up the ghost.

Far above and beyond these issues is the big one, my motivation and joy for the beautiful game has evaporated since I took the break over the summer.

There are lots of important things happening within the game: The Saudi summer spending spree controversy, Brentford’s gutted spine, Luton’s first Premier League win ever and Manchester City losing back-to-back matches to name but a few….
The issue for me right now though is that every time I go to write about any of them the words just won’t come, I have managed no more than a sentence on each.

This post, on the other hand has poured from my fingertips in the timespan of half an episode of Strictly Come Dancing.

I have managed to secure tickets to matches on 3 of the next 4 weekends though and hopefully they can get this blog back on track, but as things stand right now I can make no promises

Published by footballtouristlondoner

I'm a Londoner by birth, but I now live up in the North West. So I'm taking this opportunity to explore the football of the North and blog about my experiences as a neutral. For most of the matches I am a neutral, but when I have an allegiance to one of the teams I flag that up on my post. I have never been one to do rekkies for the games I go to. I just pick a game that looks cool look up the route on google maps and head to the ground. Sometimes I buy the match ticket in advance, but not always. The Blog charts my experience as a mainly first-time visitor to the teams and grounds of the North West football landscape. All opinions in the blog are my own and you are welcome to disagree with them.

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